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Hello,  for those who don't know ouryoutube channel, we are “Method and Value”. Our mission is to help people make life simple and live with an inspiring and self-reliant passion.

Within the channel, we bring videos about advice given by people who have a critical thinking of value, philosophy and wisdom passed by great men or philosophers throughout history.

Basically we bring reflections, summaries and critical reviews of some works of great thinkers of humanity, among them names of stoicism such as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Zeno, as well as other Buddhist advice from great masters and sages.

The aim is to create a community of high values and inspire the viewer to lead a peaceful life. No stress. By providing content focused on personal and motivational development.

With that in mind, we decided to create a sort of almanac for our channel. We took all our videos produced in 2022 and put them together in this book in the form of narrative texts, summaries and critical reviews.

It is a varied and fun read, in which you will have access to various topics, quotes and phrases from great thinkers in one place.

I'm excited to bring this content to you and hope we can build a strong partnership going forward. Join our channel, interact with us. Leave your comments and subscribe.

I wish you a big hug and enjoy reading.


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© 2022 by Canal Method and Value 

Important warning: The content of this Method and Value (Quotations and Reflections) website is for personal development, reflects personal opinions and does not constitute professional advice. We are not responsible for possible consequences resulting from the interpretation of the information. We recommend exercising discretion and seeking professional guidance when necessary. Our goal is to make you seek to build critical thinking, in addition to the articles on our website.

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