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The values ​​and principles that guide our lives are fundamental to our well-being. 

Values ​​and principles are the foundations of our lives. They guide us in our decisions, help us take directions and give us a sense of purpose.

When we live according to our values, we feel more fulfilled and happy. We feel that our lives have meaning and that we are making a difference in the world.

However, it is not always easy to live up to the values ​​you believe in.we edit. We are often tempted to give in to social pressure or take the easy way out.

Therefore, it is important to regularly reflectaboutthat. We need to be aware of them so we can make decisions that are aligned with what we really believe.

Olavo de Carvalho, a Brazilian philosopher, believed that values ​​are fundamental to a full and happy life. He said that "values ​​are the stars that guide us in the sea of ​​life".

Carvalho also believed that values ​​are universal, that is, they are the same for all human beings, regardless of their culture or religion. He said that "values ​​are the basis of the moral order of the universe."

How to identify our values ​​and principles?

Values ​​and principles are the foundations of our lives. They guide us in our decisions, help us take directions and give us a sense of purpose and sense of purpose. that we are making a difference in the world.

To identify our values ​​and principles, it is important to reflect on ourselves and what is really important to us. We can do this through exercises and reflective questions.

Here are some exercises that can help you identify your values ​​and principles:

List the things that are most important to you.

Think about your relationships, your career, your personal goals, your hobbies and your passions.

Think about times when you felt happiest or most fulfilled.

What was happening in these moments? What were you doing?

Think about situations where you felt uncomfortable or indecisive. What was at stake in these situations? What did you value most

Ask yourselfgo same:

What is important to me in life?
What motivates me?
What makes me feel good about myself?
What would I like to leave the world?
WhatI repudio no mundo?
WhatI wish ndidn't do itomigo?
How would you like thepeople treat me?

By answering these questions and exercises, you will begin to identify your values ​​and principles.

For example,I canthink: My family is moreimportant in life, sorespect for familyIt's a value to mein;Being able to givetrusting the people in my family is something that motivates me, so I haveas value and propI like the work; When I amhelpful people in my communityunit, me sI'm fine with me, so with mepassion and responsensabilitysocial soh my goflowers; I would like to leave a more empowered worldpenthouse,honestand youwhat,then I have justicethat e hhonestyas personal valuesoh nI wouldn't want it to go away from mebreasts with me andwith my family, so I value defending the vulnerable againsthostile forces in the world…

It's important to remember that your values ​​and principles may change over time. As you grow and mature, your values ​​may also change. It is important to be open to this process of change,however, some valueso elementars, basilars and immutcapable, such as justice, withpassion, honesty, familyproperty, self responsibility.

How to live in accordance with our values ​​and principles?

To live according to our values, we need to be aware of them and be willing to make sacrifices to follow them, e.g.:

Be aware of your values: The first step to living according to your values ​​is knowing what they are. Reflect on what is important to you and what you believe.

Make choices that align with your values: For example,if youIt's ChristianNo, defend theon boardIt's contradictoryitory. Likewise, if you defend the family,is contradictedory to defend freedomtion of drugs byyourpower of destruin of the family, soproductive ance, the big problemhis moneyúde ppublic.

ANDntend, that qWhen you're making a decision, stop and think about what your values ​​would say you should do. If the decision aligns with your values, it will be easier to follow through.

Be willing to make sacrifices: Sometimes to live up to what you believewe edit,we need to make sacrifices. For example, if you value honesty, you may need to say no to a job offer that would require you to lie, manipulate ou was theillicit.

Don't be afraid to stand up for your values: If you believe in something, don't be afraid to stand up for your values, this could mean speaking your mind, even if it's unpopular. Obviouslywe are talking about values ​​that areare beneficial for harmonysocial, whichhelp to builda society based onsolid and peaceful..

That's why I guide you to live accordinglyaswho believes:

If you value honesty, be honest in your interactions with others, even if it is difficult.

If you value justice, defend the rights of others, even if it means facing opposition.

If you value solidarity, help others, even if it means donating your time or resources.

The impact of values ​​and principles on life

The impact of values ​​and principles on life is significant. They can:

Influence our choices and decisions: When we have clear values ​​and principles, they help us make decisions that are more aligned with what is important to us. This can lead us to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Provide a sense of purpose: They help us understand what we want to achieve in life and what motivates us.

Improve our relationships: we are more trustworthy and respected by others. This can help us build stronger, healthier relationships. Make sure we havemore affection and recognitionof the people around us.

Making the world a better place: When we live according to our values ​​and principles, we can contribute to making the world a better place. We can help promote justice, equality and peace.

 To develop better principles and values:

Think about what's important to you: What are the things you value most in life? What is important to you in terms of relationships, work, spirituality, etc.?

Reflect on your experiences: What have you learned from your life experiences? What are the things you value most after experiencing challenges or achievements?

Talk to others: Talk to people you admire and who you believe live by your values. What do they have to say about what is important in life?

Be honest with yourself: Be honest about what you truly value. Don't be afraid to challenge your own values ​​and principles.

Developing better principles and values ​​is an ongoing process. It is important to be willing to reflect on your experiences and learn from others. Over time, you can develop a set of values ​​and principles that will guide you toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


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