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Awaken to Life: Overcoming the Five Stages of the Coffin

In everyday life, many of us inadvertently find ourselves trapped in what I like to call the "coffin" of existence. A bold but no less realistic metaphor that reflects the alienation that permeates our daily routine. Imagine, for a moment, encapsulated in this imaginary box, immersed in alienation, procrastination, or even the dark darkness of depression.

Are we truly living or just going through the days as indifferent spectators of our own lives? This is the question that hangs over the coffin metaphor, which, in a bold way, seeks to awaken in us a keen perception of the urgent need to break with this existential lethargy.

Awakening to one's own existence is a crucial point for maturation. After all, how many of us have not succumbed to the apparent comfort of deep sleep, where life's alarm clock sounds, but we hit the "snooze" button and return to the comfort of our bed? This resistance to awakening is not just a matter of laziness, but rather the intrinsic fear that awakening brings with it. It's confronting inconvenient truths, it's breaking away from the comfort of the self-imposed coffin.

By channeling some philosophical thought, we find comfort in the words of Socrates: "An unquestioned life is not worth living." Thus, the need to free ourselves from this coffin becomes crucial. It's not just about living, it's about living with purpose, awareness and becoming part of a community.

tocando berimbal Awaken to Life

No vtoday's videoWe seek to explore the stages of this awakening, outlining a path from numbness inside the coffin to genuine transformation and awakened consciousness. After all, it is only when we recognize the need to overcome these stages that we free ourselves from apathy and embrace the true essence of life.


In the first stage, we encounter those who are, figuratively and often literally, within the coffin of their own existence. They are individuals immersed in states of alienation, where the connection with their own life dissipates, or procrastination, where continuous postponements become a way of avoiding facing reality. We cannot forget the dark shadow of depression, which casts its cloak over those who feel trapped in darkness.

Being inside this coffin is by no means the final chapter of the journey. On the contrary, it is a state in which many inadvertently find themselves trapped, and may remain in that condition until their last breath. Alienation, procrastination, and depression form a dark triad that imprisons the individual, obscuring the vision of possibilities beyond the coffin walls.

It's not just about being asleep; It's about staying asleep. It is a state of numbness where existence itself seems devoid of meaning and purpose. The coffin analogy highlights the gravity of this stage, suggesting that, by remaining in this state, life may eventually fade away without one having truly lived.

Therefore, in the first stage, the emphasis is on recognizing one's own condition. It is time to open your eyes to the reality that is emerging and understand that your story has not yet reached its conclusion. This stage is a call to self-awareness, to a raw assessment of the situation, as it is only by recognizing the problem that the door to the possibility of transformation opens.


In the second stage, awakening emerges as a light at the end of the tunnel of deep sleep. It's like waking up from a trance, where consciousness begins to dispel the shadows of the existential coffin. However, anyone who thinks that staying awake is an easy journey is mistaken.

Compared to waking up from a deep sleep, awakening from the existential coffin brings with it unique challenges. The difficulty is not only in opening the eyes, but in resisting the magnetic attraction of returning to the previous stage. It's like the battle against the alarm clock's snooze mode, where drowsiness tries to seduce you back into familiar comfort.

Philosophically, this stage is present in Nietzsche's words about the "eternal return". Resistance to awakening often stems from fear of the unknown, from hesitation in confronting uncomfortable truths. The temptation to return to the coffin, where alienation is a comfortable escape, is a lingering shadow.

Therefore, the second stage is not just about opening your eyes to reality; It's about keeping those eyes open. It's about resisting the seduction of deep sleep, resisting the desire to continue in the insignificance of our little world, in the discouragement to seek a better life. This is where the journey becomes truly challenging, requiring a firm determination to face the truth head on. After all, it's always easier to complain or blame others for our personal failures.

Get Out of the Existential Box

In the third stage, the awakening journey reaches a crucial point: leaving the box is a matter of self-knowledge and awareness. Breaking the barriers of deep sleep becomes a mission, and the task of breaking the coffin lid is a challenge just like that of Hercules in Greek mythology. This is not a simple shift in perspective; It is a radical action to transcend the comfort zone.

Imagine the coffin as a tight shell, where resistance to change is palpable. Groping and trying to get out of this box of existential nothingness, of procrastination, becomes a symbolic act, a courageous gesture of breaking with the inertia that kept existence limited.

Kierkegaard on the "anguish of freedom" stated that freedom implies responsibility, where each choice shapes the path forward. Breaking the lid is therefore taking responsibility for our own existence.

It is necessary to seek a conscious decision to abandon the security of doing everything automatically, of waking up for the sake of waking up, working without a professional purpose, maintaining a relationship for convenience. You need to do something different from what you've tried and haven't worked out.

Mindset transformation

In the fourth stage, we are not just talking about awakening; We are entering the sphere of transformation. Here, it's not just about freeing yourself from the coffin, but about becoming the agent of your own change and, consequently, catalyzing transformations around you.

Transformation, my dear reader, is a territory of no return. Once the coffin lid is broken, there is no returning to the previous lethargy. This metamorphosis is like an electric current that runs not only through your life, but reverberates in everything around you. It's not just a change of habits; it's a fundamental shift in perspective, aspirations, and the way you interact with the world.

It's not a simple route adjustment; it is a complete reset of your inner self. And the most incredible thing? This transformation is not limited to you. She projects, inspires and touches the lives of those around her. It's as if, when you leave the coffin, you open the door for others to do the same.

How to change perspective?

Changing perspective is not a linear journey, it is actually more of a tangle of events in our lives. The change of perspective comes both from our mistakes, as well as from good relationships, successes, sadness, disappointments, joys... it is this whole set that surrounds our life that builds our personality, that makes us learn to acquire peace and serenity in our way of life. face the world.

Healthy connections play a crucial role, as we are intrinsically linked to the context that surrounds us. The people around us can be catalysts for growth or anchors that pull us back into the coffin. The philosophy of Socrates, which emphasizes the importance of relationships, when he says: "An unquestioned life is not worth living", and it is through dialogue and the exchange of ideas that awakening is strengthened.

Sartre said, "freedom is within our existence," and that freedom carries with it the burden of ongoing responsibility. Remaining vigilant and persisting on new paths taken is essential to avoid falling back into previous torpor.

Each choice, a step towards awakening, requires constant resilience. After all, changing stages is not a final destination, but rather a process in constant evolution.

To learn you must be willing to listen to others around you, and this can be done throughyouways: you propose to learn to really listen to people and learn from them andtheir experiences; youYou can read books that share these experiencesence and seek areflectionabout the opinions read; or youyou can look at your própria's wifestrations and learn from your prown mistakes.

Wake up, get out ofbox, involves beingwilling to withshare withanother experimentessence andsearch for exexperiences to learnnder. Involvesmore totion of what you observervation.

Bythat recomendo whatadopt thereading habithado with the practivity approachports. Keep your body healthystable and in motion,it is fundamental to keep the mindsharp for learning. When you do thesetwothings, yourlife eatsit happenedform into something more withcomplete and meaningful. 

Yourhabitsare not directgreatly impactloved whenncontinue to reconcilereading and movement. To seethen eatwill start if theeat better, havemore consciousfinancial science, learnmore about relationshipshuman ionment, beingable wingof greater empactia and withpassion. Reading makes youhuman, metmentmakes you more interestante but towardsuseful fordeal with thesevere weather of lifeeveryday. 



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