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About the lack of focus on Study Seneca

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Today, we bring you an extraordinary letter written by Seneca, one of the great Stoic philosophers in history, and in it, we find valuable lessons about focus, study and the true meaning of wealth.

Get ready for a reflection of philosophical wisdom that can transform the way we view our lives. After all, as Seneca warns us, the search for knowledge and the cultivation of the mind are essential, but we must also learn to direct our attention to what really matters.

Stay with us until the end, leave your comments and subscribe to the channel, as together we will explore the teachings of great philosophers for a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Seneca begins his letter, from nnumber two, salutendo Lukeilium and describingqualities that areI don't like itapplicable to aStoic. He notes that nWe must have a sense of proprietystrong point in our life, that is, nto thewe mustruns here and there and gets distracted by changing course according to the windfrom tempshere.For such restlessness is the sign of a disordered spirit.

For Seneca, the main indication of a well-ordered mind is a man's ability to remain in one place and remain in his own company, maintaining solitude,feeling good about yourself.

Otherpoint, thethatal is justifiedableby the stoic current of acceptancetion of destiny and dedication to actaccording to the virtues ofperance, justice, courage and prudenceence, Seneca recommends that youBe careful, however, that this reading of many authors and books of any kind may tend to make you dispersive and unstable,because in your eyesthey areone must remain among a limited number of master thinkers, and digest their works, so that he can build firm ideas in his mind. Being everywhere also means being nowhere.

It's passI have as I said beforeormente is part of athought oftime to prioritizetion, behold thestoicism searchfilter what we can control and whatthat nto thewe can, the dichotomy of the oppositeHey, then, do whatever you canntidonyouOjust take care of thingswhatdirect us to the propplace of nature, orthat is, for the propososites of logos, inanother palavras, from God.

Nwe nwe don't agreetotallywith this point in particularific, pois to reada It's an excellent exercisehomefor the mind and for clareza do penment, in this way,it's always finecomingbe in contact with differentauthors and opinionsions, to have a vast repertoiredirectory of readings from different categories andmatters. Thento havejust one appproximity ofideas from a followment ofthoughtIt ismore harmful to society than a benefithome.

ByYes, we understand the adviceHo of Seneca within the Stoic bases, which says that we should only waste timewith hereuilo than nyouproprovides an approximation to what destiny, spaceire-fire, prepared for nyou.Well, this one acceptstion of ddestiny and the things thatbring tranquilityility, this solidity of values ​​and virtues, bringsa feeling of order inmeans to chaos. Jon who expose themselves to dúvidas constantes e a tribuladiscussion tionsssões here fordeposit in si, It ismalefic to espIrito.

Forstoicism it's fundmental person who knows how to accept yourrole appointed by God in the world,thenGod would be immanent, present in every part of the universe, creating and deconstructinggoing all inan endless cycle. Therefore, prioritize a designated path, live present in yourself andThey are not subject to external thingsyou,It's a safe way to developlook at apathy in the face of the chaos ofworld, to be happyeven in scarcityz, to behappyeven in the face of infortalone of pain, of illnessça, loss, losslife's loops and failures. NOne cannot want to follow the rules of twodifferent godfor the same tribeulation, honof being able to allylook at a pthought.

When a person spends all his time traveling abroad, says Seneca, he ends up having many acquaintances, but no friends. And the same thing must hold true of men who seek intimate acquaintance with no single author, but visit all in a hasty and hurried manner.

Food is not good for you and is not assimilated by the body if it leaves the stomach as soon as it is eaten; nothing prevents a cure as much as a frequent change of medication; no wound will heal when one balm is tried one after another; a plant that is moved frequently can never grow strong. There is nothing so effective that it can be useful while being moved. And when reading many books there is distraction. Therefore, since it is not possible to read all the books you can own, it is sufficient to own only as many books as you can read.

“But,” you reply, “I wish to delve first into one book and then into another.” I tell you that it is a sign of gluttony to play with many dishes; because when they are multiple and varied, they bore, but do not nourish. So you should always read quality authors; and when you long for a change, go back to those you have read before. Each day acquire something that will strengthen you against poverty, against death, and against other misfortunes; and after you have examined many thoughts, select one to be completely digested that day.

Note that Seneca concludesthat's whatThis is your own practice; Of the many things he reads, he has claimed a share for himself.

Togetherrve that the idea andstudy stoicis something directed to the propof acceptance of thefires of the imane divinitynte, do destino. It would be up to man to read about authors who speak objectivelymind about life and its percalçes, without much ramblingillusionsories or exoticericas. Steelrecommends a targeted studyabout life without wasting timeI knewunused items,theninyour conception: what’s the point of a builder knowing how to designI eat eggsdaughters, if he has none and not even the pretdesire to possess? Give meIn the same way, what good would it do a person to dive for hours and hours?hoursstudying howone endsfic television seriesscientific tion, given thatof this knowledgenothing is learnedwill occur in thequestions of full life?

But what if the constructor wants to know how toconstroi in different corners of the world in order to obtainnha biggerexpertise in your profession? In this case, you mustyes the cinstructor isscar meet your concurrents,behold, this is within yourprop fieldosite. It is up to the role ofa good builder will look for ttechnical and perof other good builders.

Seneca concludesinthat toreflection chosen for the finalbehindthis letter is one thathediscoveriu in Epicurus; for he claims to be accustomed to enter even the enemy's camp, – not as a deserter, but as an observer.

Finally, it mentions that Epicuro says: “Satisfied poverty is an honorable property.” and lI then question your lógica, afistating that in True, if you are satisfied, it is not poverty. It is not the man who has little, but the man who longs for more, it is the man who is poor.

It matters little what a man has stored in his treasury, or in his storehouse, how large are his herds and how fat are his dividends, if he covets his neighbor's property, and counts not his past earnings, but the your hopes of coming gains. What is the proper limit to wealth, you ask? It is, first, having what is necessary, and, second, having what is sufficient.

Knowing how to deal with our desiresthose of grandesa,of reconknowledge, power, ambiencetion for havingpossessions and wealthas incontable,It's an im stepimportant to differentiate the rich man by the things enough that he hassmooth.

In today's letter, we can learn a little about therspectiveStoic inin relation to studies andSeneca's myth about the lack of focus thatwe suggest in our projects. Many want to learn Englishes, study a degreeaction, doagio,study for ccourse, take training, read the fic bookscientific fashion, all at the same time,as if it were possiblearctravel longdistances resuming theprevious pathsnow I continueindo, progressing along several roads, goingforward and backwardwings.

Bythat Seneca adfocuses and prioritizesdog.Learn about yourselfyourself and about yourvalues ​​and objectives,finally, fromrefer to authoris that rreallythehelped to achieve whatetiva.

ByI always advise this, ifyou wanthave oneentrepreneurial vision, if you wantchange yourworldview and have acomfort lifeble, turn the chave, cstart reading biorelevant sharpeners, specific booksifics about finances and entrepreneurship.Dispense with a little exot readingepics or novels produced in sseries,prefer to read about those who actually built somethingrelevance and whetherworse, nDon't do mesmo, but in learning some coconcepts to applyin yourlife.


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