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A Complete Guide To Reinvent Your Life

Life is like a dark room.

The human mind balances between order and chaos. Chaos is our default state, we are always trying to order things in our internal compartments. Trying to put that discussion in the forgiveness box, forget something stupid, do what we set out to do, remember to buy something, fix something., anyway... Clarity is the byproduct of ordered information that fills our consciousness. Our mind becomes clear when we learn to pay attention, rationalize, and ease tensions about what we consider our problems.

The funniest thing is that although it seems that when we are overwhelmed we should stop everything and stay idle, lazy and lying on the couch. When in fact this is behavior that doesn't help anything in our lives.

In 1969, the Minnesota State Hospital in the United States discovered that, on Sunday, some people have a lack of enthusiasm similar to that of patients with depression. But, according to American neuroscientist Tali Sharot, the culprit isn't the first day of the week – it's the next one, Monday. People tend to prefer Friday to Sunday because on Friday we see the weekend ahead and on Sunday the only thing we think about is the work week.

People say they hate their jobs. However, work provides a clear state of mind that is undoubtedly much more pleasant than staying at home alone with your thoughts. Humans fill their days with activities that structure their minds. We always want to do something, see people, play, write, design, create – preferably investing our attention in something we find useful.

And when we are alone, psychic entropy arises. Entropy is that everything tends towards disorder, like one day you will die, the sun will die and the universe will die.

Anything tangible will eventually decay unless we as humans try to reverse entropy. That's all we're really doing here – trying to solve the problems that cause things to fall apart.

We are trying to prolong our life on this earth. We feel that we need to live as long as possible. We need to become immortal. And that's what everyone is really creating for.

Psychic entropy occurs when we lose the structure or order of our mind by abandoning a coherent train of thought. This happens more than you think when we are sitting around doing nothing, alone with our thoughts.

The worst thing is when our minds get attached to negative thoughts and they multiply, in fact this is an unconscious tendency, to focus on urgent and primary things, hence the feeling of always having a problem to solve. Be it reliving a moment of shyness, something stupid we did, an offense we felt.

The cure for this state of mind, for this lost, overwhelmed, anxious state of mind, is knowing how to order your mind. It's knowing how to direct your attention. Meditation teaches you to focus on your breathing. Metacognition teaches you to question your thoughts. Learning to be alone is learning to order your mind in any circumstance to give it a path to live in the now, and consequently learning to have fun with your own daydreams.

It's ironic that people think they want to maximize freedom in their lives; if we could choose anything, we would probably choose things related to feeling free. Money to travel, health to do things, intelligence to have all the other free things that success brings...

The irony is that freedom is the opposite of what we really want. People don't want freedom; they want autonomy. We don't want limitations projected onto us, we don't want to be arbitrarily hindered, but we impose restrictions on ourselves. As much as we want to be absolutely free, it is unbearable to live in chaos, we need a feeling of order, a feeling of purpose. The basis of our life is believing that we are doing something for something important. Without it, we are just emptiness, discouragement and anxiety.

Long-term sustainable clarity comes from two sources: self-generated goals in alignment with a conscious future and societally generated goals in alignment with an unconscious future. One is created, one is assigned. Therefore, if we don't want our life to be the product of someone else's vision, we must create our own.

Most people don't need motivation; they need clarity. That's right, motivation is like a shot of dopamine – you take it and your peak of happiness and spirit goes up, everything you could want, beautiful people, music, cars, houses, everything calling your name to take the leap .

But the dopamine peak will drop dramatically and you will realize that you will not achieve those goals because it is a paradox: Those who do not need motivation are because they are disciplined, they have learned to be, whereas those who need motivation are undisciplined, because if they were, they would not need motivation. . If I'm undisciplined, I break my goals and then I need to resort to motivation, and so I end up in this loop.

Clarity is not like that, it is a personal rationalization, created specifically for you. I need to have good knowledge about my weaknesses, my desires, my obligations, it is necessary to exercise our mind and educate the way we perceive the world and the things around us, because this way, I can establish a purpose for myself. Sometimes I don't even need a Ferrari to be happy, maybe I don't even need a five-figure salary to be happy, or mansions, gold chains. Those who have clarity do not need to work on motivation, because their discipline is adequate for what they need.

Another point is dopamine. Our mind is like an ant and dopamine is the sugar in the sink, it longs to find and desires more than anything. That's why we sometimes feel bored when we don't have anything in our hands to move. That's why it's difficult to start and finish reading, because your brain doesn't want any sugar, it wants the easiest and sweetest, that is, between reading and watching shorts on the social network, it prefers to spend time scrolling, there's more stimuli.

Now, dopamine is not bad. It is one of the most important neurotransmitters to understand in your life, in the way you behave. It is the drive behind your dreams and must be utilized. But most people drown in superficial stimuli and end up becoming addicted to motivation and seeing many things that are beyond their reach every day, especially on social media.

And so, time and time again, they waste this precious resource that could be used to make their dreams come true. Even if they acquire these dreams, like a luxurious car or a beautiful watch, they don't know how to change their focus to maintain the pleasure of that thing.

Because although dopamine increases even more when you want something that is outside of you or something that you don't have, there are other neurotransmitters that are called here and now. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and endocannabinoids that give you satisfaction and appreciation for what's in front of you, for the things you have in your personal space.

There are more sustainable ways to bring that satisfaction, fulfillment and pleasure into your everyday life with the things you have, to appreciate where you are and who you are.

The first is full attention to detail.

A great wisdom is to seek to perceive the details that your senses can provide, because most people live in a superficial state. For them, everything around them is normal: violence becomes normal because it is commonplace, a flowering tree becomes a nuisance because they have to clean up the flowers that fall, the children, the wife or husband becomes uninteresting. because they don't act as you want... this is the life of someone who is not present and attentive, this person feels wronged all the time, because they are incapable of seeing the little things that life shows them in the form of love.

So when you go for a walk, try to see a detail you've never seen before, maybe in the trees and how the leaves are so detailed, or in a bush you've never looked too closely, or maybe even the concrete beneath your feet.

Many people complain about their partners, for example, but they fail to notice the little things in their home, such as warm food, giving up the biggest piece, clean clothes, a simple question about how your day was, a freshly brewed coffee for an afternoon snack, a hug from your children, a pet that arrives all nostalgic to welcome you…

We are so obsessed with trying to get out of our routines, in complying with the marketing commandments for a happy life, keeping up with the dynamics of the world without time, so focused on stupid things that keep us living on the surface.

Become more present and attentive to yourself, activate your senses, try to look at things around you first from the good side. That's right, whenever something happens in your life or you pay attention, first say everything good you can list about the event. You woke up and your dog destroyed your yard, but he was all happy to see you, first say to yourself: “he always welcomes me happily; he is always around; he brings joy to this house; I love him and he loves me.” Likewise, if your partner irritates you, observe: “She always asks how I am; if I had lunch; He gets up early to keep me company, helps me with the housework, always supports me when things look bad.”

Can you hear the subtle layers in the background? So mindfulness of detail is really just us trying to get in touch with reality, because reality is a quality of experience in constant flux, and we're losing the depth of that experience every day. You can apply this strategy when you get something new that you are almost bored with because of your activities.

In addition to practicing appreciation and satisfaction, you need to align all of this with the pursuit of learning and education.

Firstly, avoid judging and observing how others live their lives. Instead you can make your life better.

Sometimes it is necessary to dedicate yourself to something with the desire to learn, learning is what helps a man save money and have self-confidence and satisfaction.

Think about it with me, you want to change the light bulb in your room, but you know that to change it and call an electrician you will probably pay around R$150 for someone else to do it. If you have a lawn and you are going to call someone to cut the grass, you will probably spend more money. And so on. One thing I noticed is that there is a very strong discourse that terrifies people into hiring third parties to do a service for them. It's no wonder that the service sector is the fastest growing in Brazil. Every time someone says that you can't install a socket in your house, that you can't design your dream house, that you can't change your shower, and for all these recommendations there is always the golden word “call a professional ”, because somewhere on the planet someone died changing a shower, trying to change the light bulb, the house was not ergonomic, and so on. Meanwhile, laws and more laws are emerging so that everything you want to do needs someone's bureaucratic signature. You are an incapacitated person who needs to be assisted by a professional.

Most people continue laying foundations and never build anything worth maintaining with that knowledge. The key to a good life is a disciplined balance between significant sources of dopamine and creating satisfaction when you achieve these goals. Be curious and seek to learn! Watch videos, read books, talk to people who do it, stop outsourcing everything in your life.

Now we need to talk about pleasure versus pleasure and choosing your dopamine sources wisely.

Pleasure comes from investing attention and giving attention. Investments are long-term; purchases are short term. Fun is focused on the process; superficial pleasure is focused on the result. True pleasure is progress toward a long-term goal. Our goal is to maximize pleasure in our everyday lives. That's all anyone is trying to do. But most people don't zoom out to get a distraction-proof perspective while pursuing these goals.

They are so narrowly focused on what can bring pleasure here and now, immediately that they cannot see the big picture, think long term. Literally, the key to life is to just zoom out, expand your focus, expand your mind, gather more perspectives. The highest perspective is one that includes them all, because we don't want to be stuck scrolling social media, having meaningless sex in ways other than physical, and winning arguments in the comments that lead to absolutely nothing useful.

We must act in accordance with our goals, build something beneficial in reality and impact other people in a way that brings pleasure to our lives.

I talk a lot about perception and perspective on our channel. Why? Because every time in my life I've made substantial progress in a short period of time, while enjoying every second, I've been determined to realize a vision for the future I had in mind. People who have gone through the same experience know this power, and that's why I talk about it so much, because I want you to understand that the way you see life, your perception of emotions and reality is what will shape your future.

Those who only interpret the things that happen in their lives as an insult, who think that someone else's good day seemed sarcastic, that they are talking about them, that everything is bad, attracts precisely that to themselves. In other words, if you are offended by anything and brood inside, you become an energy sucker and push people away. Therefore, having a good perspective is important. Those who value themselves, understand that they cannot control everything, who accept things as likely to happen and act in a proactive and positive way, have a much greater chance of achieving success, because they attract good things to themselves.

In short, it's how you perceive things, it's how things happen.

But, does this mean you can immediately get rid of the things you don't want? No. You can't just quit your job and think you're going to live a dream because thinking positive will solve everything. It's not about that, but it's important to have an inspiring outlook on life. There's more at stake than money.

Instead of complaining, start observing society as a habit. Pay close attention to the people around you in any situation. Why do they do what they do? Where is this leading? Are they someone you want to be? It could be as simple as watching the groceries people put in their baskets or observing your body and realizing that you don't want to end up sluggish, lifeless, groggy all the time.

Finally, reflect on your past, what experiences you never want to experience again. What were the lowest points in your life? What caused them? Have you done anything to prevent this from happening again? Make this a conscious practice in your life. I advise making a list of things you don't want. Take a notebook and be specific. This list should make you feel uncomfortable. Keep this somewhere safe, and when something new comes to mind, go there and write it down. Every now and then, go back and see if you are going in the opposite direction of what you don't want for yourself. Ask yourself, “If I have the same lifestyle ten years from now, what will I look like?

Try to do more of the following, transmute this energy of perspective, of perception of reality, of someone who understands the society in which they are inserted, who knows how to minimally separate some manipulations and suggestions, and live a little disconnected from all this rubbish, return to your vision , for a passionate vision of yourself. What will you have to learn, build, and execute daily to avoid your antivision, or lack of perspective?

You can make better decisions. It's not about focusing on the long or short term. It's about having both. Zoom out. Your life is the culmination of your choices, and if you want to make better choices, you must expand your mind, awareness, and focus beyond your worries.

So, now that you've created a specific outlook for your future, you've primed your mind for pattern recognition so you can identify opportunities that will help you actualize the vision for your future. Finally, he thought to himself: ok, what do I want to do?

When you stop and reflect, you will start to apply it in your daily life. For example: I'm not going to put this in my shopping basket because I've only now become aware of it, because I realized that this is harming the health that I want to have in my vision of the future.

So now that we have a vision for the future, we need to learn how to learn and build, because schools cannot and will not teach you how to build your dreams. Schools are closely tied to government, politics, and the economy, and their conditioning or education process is set up to keep these things going and keep them alive. Anything that gives power to the individual is a threat. Therefore, self-education is a requirement on your journey, and it is obvious that you will not be able to achieve your goals at your current level of development, otherwise you would have already achieved them. You need to develop skills, you need to build things. You need to fail.

You need to gain experience. Because it wouldn't be challenging either if you could achieve your goals right now. This is what makes life enjoyable: challenge plays a crucial role in flow state, pleasure, and dopamine. Play at your level, but try to move to the next level. And if you want to retain everything you learn, or at least the important things, and not the noise, you can't learn literally everything that comes to your mind. You must remember the important things that update your vision. Where do you want or need to go? This is how you learn everything. And if you want to do that, then you must learn as you build or build as you learn.

Most people fail to make tangible progress because they don't realize that a lifelong habit of education, skill acquisition, and practice is the path to building a better life. This is not optional. If you don't have time set aside every day to practice your craft for the rest of your life, you won't get anywhere meaningful. Life itself is a practice and most people don't seem to care much about being aware of it. They stay at home and distract themselves with mindless entertainment. You don't have your ideal lifestyle because you're not living that lifestyle now, but on a smaller scale.

As you get better at what you do, the time you spend doing it will increase, and the impact of what you are doing will be greater in less time, and money will become inevitable. If you're starting out as a designer or writer, then you'll design or write a little every morning.

Look at what you have been consuming and notice that someone is making money from it. If you consume content, why can't you work on something for yourself?

Seek to do things, completing projects is the best form of dopamine. It's uplifting to say to yourself, I changed this register, I solved the leak problem. I did this project, I put it together myself. I started selling this object to my friends and today I'm buying more to sell online.

Think of it like doing a Sudoku puzzle. You find an answer to fill in and dopamine surges. And what that does is it narrows your mind with that feedback to find other answers. So when you find an answer, you think, "Oh, there's one more, oh, there's another one," and you gain momentum, and the dopamine continues to rise, and that feels good and keeps you engaged. When you wake up, you will no longer have patience for Netflix and trivia, you will be immersed in your success.

The same thing happens when you have an idea at night. You're like, "That's a great idea. I need to write this down," and then you have another, and then another, and you have ten ideas that you have no idea what to do with other than writing them down to keep them. safe in the morning when you are going to do focused work. And so, when you notice an idea that connects to your vision, your signal-to-noise ratio increases, a voice will echo and encourage you to do it.

Many of us don't have thisconscience and walk through life withoutpurpose some.

So focus on your own goals, not the news, not your friends' relationship problems, and definitely not who gets elected. If you are not where you want to be in life, nothing is so important that you take care of trivialities outside of your own goals.

We stay here, I hope thisvideo inspire you.


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