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A Cabala Judaica and an Art of Happiness: Set Practices to Illuminate Your Life. Ian Meckler

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Today's article deals with the basis of the Cabala, the oldest recorded wisdom on the planet, which predates all religions and from which all paths originate. The Cabala is, possibly, the world's greatest spiritual inheritance. Combining mystical teachings with explanations for the main mysteries of existence, it also reveals numerous codes of the Old Testament of the Bible and important lessons on our soul, helping to improve our perception and relationship with the difficulties found in our path.

In this text we will explain as ideas by the author Ian Meckler in the book A Cabala and the Art of Ser Feliz, set practices to illuminate your life.

From now on we will give you keys to decode the real meaning of life and explain the art of being happy, which, once assimilated, will help you to become a much more fun and spontaneous person. Stay with us until the end, because we will navigate you through a complete path, with truly transformative lessons, that will allow you to take better advantage of the great opportunity he has given you: your life.

Let's work with the set of powerful skills existing in the teaching of Isailante Cabala, we will learn to cultivate the correct form or desire, the choice, the attunement, the meditation, the purpose, the refinement and the love.

A first skill is O DESEJO. Only by knowing more deeply our desires will we be able to distinguish those that push us down from those that move us in the direction of Light.

Observe that for man, differently from other animals, the exercise of survival is not enough: eat, drink, breathe and process. These activities, although essential for us, are far from the totality of our existence. Let us pursue a desire much more complex: we need fulfillment. But this quest for realization ends up producing side effects. Replenishment of desires not concretized, or the man ends up being contaminated by a growing frustration.

You think you will be happy, for example, when you have an excellent financial situation. So he devoted a major part of his time to conquering this desire. Worked exhaustingly, years after years, without measuring efforts to achieve his goal. Finally prospered and passed a life abandoned. But, at this moment, I no longer remember that this was the goal of my life. My goal now will be to do more, or to do more. And, when you open your eyes, your children will have already grown. It's like losing the great opportunity that is life.

And in order not to let these days pass us by, we need to know more about our desires, to understand that, when we live in a material good, we want something that is beyond the object, there is hidden a greater intention of satisfaction.

Let's see an example: Let's say you want to buy a new car. In truth, you do not want the car, but rather the emotional state that can be achieved with your purchase. As it were, you don't actually look for the physical object, but rather the extraphysical elements.

A person who wants to become more blind and wants to understand the mysteries of existence also searches for the same extraphysical elements. His desire is apparently very different from that of someone who has worked for years to buy a new car. Just as one who dreams of something material, one who desires wisdom also does not seek anything tangible. You can enjoy the joy of becoming a better human being or feed your own ego with the recognition of others.

It is important to understand that, in both cases, people are moved by desire. Moreover, the essence of this desire is always something extraphysical. Do an experiment: close your eyes and list what you most desire in life. Listou? You probably think of things like: Happiness, Well-being, Security, Peace of mind, Joy, Love, Wisdom, Self-realization… Remember that none of these items is a physical object. It is very important to understand this, so as not to fall into the trap of dedicating yourself only to the attractive things of the apparent world, or the world perceived through the five senses.

A boy and a bicycle. He then learns about a powerful law of attraction that says that, if he desires something deeply, he will end up conquering the desired object. But which of these makes a bicycle ideal for him? Maybe, precisely because of not having it, he would come back to being a much better human being.

Realize that all this is important, but even if it is concrete, it does not satisfy us. And do you understand why? Because, usually, we know very little about what we want.

In accordance with the thousand-year-old wisdom of the Cabala, everything in life is guided by desire. This differs greatly from traditional oriental thinking, which prays to the absence of desire. But is it possible to forget your desires? To do this because it was not only a desire?

The fact is that you can reduce your anxiety, but not your desire. Since it is part of our nature, there is nothing wrong in nourishing it. Finally, the more we wish to receive, the more we can share. He who does not have affection cannot give affection. He who has not learned cannot teach.

Although they may seem very diverse in type and intensity, all desires can be divided into two categories: the desire to receive only for oneself (egoism) and the desire to receive to share (cooperation).

The desire to receive only happens if we give in to our egoistic impulses. When we want, for example, to earn more than others. Thus you become ever more egocentric until, at some moment, you produce a short-circuit in your soul.

There is a second class of desire, the one to receive to share, differently from the first, which drives us to the top, to our well-being, and makes us grow. If we want more prosperity, we have to spread the prosperity among the people. If we wish to receive love, we have to distribute it. This is how we try to develop our consciousness, so that we can also help others.

O Ian Meckler, exemplifies that Abel represents the desire to receive to share. This is how it appears in the Bible: “I brought Caim, the fruit of the earth, an offering to eternity. And Abel also brought an offer of his sheep. He accepted Abel's offer to the Eternal. And Caim did not accept… and he rose up against Caim against Abel, his brother, and we.”

A story is a metaphor of two archetypes of desire. Abel is a character moved by his divine essence and who wanted to share everything he received. Caim was driven by the desire to receive only for himself, he did not have a genuine desire to share, he wanted the approval of God, he was driven by envy and emptiness.

Abel's offer did not provide for the second's intentions and, therefore, was accepted in good faith.

This is the most common distortion for the desire to receive only for oneself: the energy of failure.

Very different is the outcome experienced by who shares or who receives. That's why Bill Gates, who reached the position of the richest man in the world, started managing his businesses. When his company started to grow, the salaries of his employees also increased. Then he created a mega foundation, investing in future shares for millions of children.

After a while, the megainvestor Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, came to the idea and donated a large part of his fortune to this foundation. And do you know why they did this? Because I experienced a feeling of accomplishment in sharing.

Therefore, a design practice is a great way to experiment with this skill and make a great addition to your material life. Come to your house. Do for those who need everything that is no longer useful to you. So that he can no longer serve, he will run away. Your home is a sacred place and you need to take care of it as if it were a temple. This will help you separate the desires that elevate you from those that produce temporary and disposable pleasure, because you will recognize many objects that gave importance to you and that no longer do.

Another important skill described by Cabala is learning to meditate, which “I thought gave meaning to all that I saw.”

A solution for anxiety and frustration, so common in our modern times, is the practice of meditation. This exercise will be an indispensable resource in developing these seven skills of the art of being happy.

Therefore, it is really important that you experience the practice of cabalistic meditation. It is based on sacred letters, as used in the original and more sacred version of the Bible. The power of these letters is a mystery that dates back about 3.500 years and produces miraculous effects on the life of those who experimented.

Next we will present a first meditation based on these sacred letters. To experiment, it is important, first, that you feel in a comfortable position, in an environment as quiet as possible. While contemplating the letters, you should breathe very deeply. Reflect, initially, on the quality of your thoughts and, then, escape your mind. During this time, maintain a pattern of deep breathing.

Meditation for desire and vocalization: VERRÚ

A contemplation of these letters helps to create a state of desperation. By meditating in this sequence, you will be expanding your capacity to love and be loved, based on the desire to share. Experiment by spending four to five minutes breathing deeply and contemplating, concentrated, these letters. Also experiment with vocalization of meditation. Use as reference a minimum of 10 vocalizations.

A second skill important for a happy life is your ability to study.

Since Adam and Eve came from the tree of good and evil, man has had to learn to exist in a world of double polarity. This is how I sat. There is not a single human being on the face of the Earth who has not had to deal with the conflict between his positive and negative inclinations.

The skill of choice is related to an older battle of the planet: the fight between good and evil. And, to explain, let us return to an important passage of the Bible. “And these Gods said to Noah: ‘The end of all creation came because of me, because I created the earth of darkness because of them and that they would destroy me together with the earth. Phase for you an arc.

In Hebrew, the originally written word is Noach, which can be translated as “descend.” This is a message central to the text.

Rather than being historical events that occurred in the past, these biblical episodes according to the author are references to something that is happening today, within each of us.

Therefore, when we perceive a world in collapse, we need to evaluate which part of us is found in imbalance. And so, in a moment of chaos, we are instructed to build an arch. That is, a reduction in rest, to meditate and to do a self-assessment. A construction of this arch is fundamental so that we can identify the element causing chaos.

Understand that within us there exist two different characters: one that identifies with the path of truth and the other with that of lying – as if there were a friend and an enemy within every man.

A Cabala spoke a lot about the enemy, which gave him the polemical name of Satan. This designation has become very popular, yet poorly understood. Passing on attributing the evil to an external entity, when, in fact, it is much more within us than outside of us.

Where is the enemy?

Originating from the Hebrew language, the word Sat can be translated as obstacle. And such difficulties, without a shadow of doubt, are necessary for any evolution, so these seven or those obstacles are generally within us affecting our perception of reality.

It is important that you realize that the obstacle that arises is always accompanied by a possibility of choice. For example, if his marriage is not going well, Satan appears to him offering him a beautiful lover. In the short term it may seem more attractive to try to maintain your relationship. You have the option of accepting the suggestion and possibly obscuring the light of your marriage. But you can also say “no” to yourself and find your partner to talk, travel, have fun or try whatever is necessary to recover your original happiness.

Thus, when the Biblical text speaks of a moment of planetary collapse, it is referring to a period in which we as people lost the power of choice, when we were no longer able to say “no” to our negative inclinations. This is the idea of the book Arbitrio, dealing with the conflict between his positive and negative inclinations.

We talk a lot about freedom, but how do we know what it really means?

In our legendary years, before the 1970s, that book was the one that I wanted, when I wanted it, but in practice, it did not work. Because of that, many marriages were destroyed and many people died due to excessive drug use.

Within cabalistic wisdom, the concept of freedom is defined as diametrically opposed to “all is possible.” Then again that book has the option of not doing what you want. Think of it as the opposite of today, a woman who is free to do what she wants, you can choose not to do.

For example, an animal, which always does what it wants, but, as it knows, is long from being free. The animal is completely predictable. From this form, he will not sleep while not eating. If necessary, he will join another animal, either to take care of his vital needs. That is, the animal, completely moved by natural instincts, is like a machine – programmed and without a free-arbiter. Man, and only he, has the possibility of denying a natural inclination.

This is the true libre-arbitrio. An ability to break with a pattern of automatic behavior. The ability to say “no” even when the natural instinct is to say “yes”. This is why all spiritual paths impose restrictions. Without them, we could not be free.

But the world we live in is moving in the opposite direction, encouraging or not limiting. Everything is too permissive.

As we have seen, what we really desire is not the object itself, but rather the feeling of happiness that it can bring.

As young women, for example, are in all those places. No television, no magazines, no newspaper banks. This collateral effect is serious. This will naturally decrease, because the desire of men for women is no longer reducing.

Like No, we have the possibility to reflect on our dark cores and begin to say “no” to everything that is destructive. Each of us can build our own arc and save the values that better mold our character.

However, the big question is: how to know that a situation that appears in your life represents something luminous, the fruit of a constructive desire, or an armada of your inner enemy?

According to the Cabala, there is a curtain that hides the invisible planes, which are intertwined with the physical plane on which we live on planes beyond our rational capacity, which are divided into 10 layers, like the curtains that separate us from the spiritual plane.

To enter our hidden mysteries, to cross the curtain and know the invisible planes, it is necessary to develop a new perception.

A Bible, which describes an infinite substance, an original food, the origin and satisfaction of all we need: a Light.

Currently, scientists say that, in the process of creation, light, the original substance, left its initial state and went through various stages of densification, until it was transformed into matter. These experts go further: in a treatise known as the Theory of Supercords, they suggest that we live in a space of 10 dimensions. Coincidentally (or not), the texts of Cabala, written over thousands of years by masters who dedicated their lives to the realization of the sacred, also define the process of creation in 10 dimensions.

The physical world in which we live is beyond a 10th curtain. That is, therefore, from where there is less vision of totality. It seems limited to us because a curtain prevents us from going further. Let's say that this space is all that exists, but, in fact, this plane contains no more than 10% of the representation of total reality.

Introduce this topic, so that you can understand the concept of Permanent Light and Perceptible Light.

A Perceptible Light derives from the physical world, an apparent world that can only be perceived by the five senses. A Permanent Light is an original Light, which derives from the infinite world, a world that we cannot perceive with the five senses, but that does not because of this cease to exist. It is very important that you notice a big difference between the two.

For example, as everything that exists in the material world, is perceptible. We all go through moments in which we experience a realization that has passed. Like, you work hard to buy a new TV, with a lot more resources, but after you get it and the euphoria passes, your happiness in the relationship decreases.

This phenomenon occurs in a similar way to affective relationships.

The advertising industry knows this concept very well and, therefore, offers products with beautiful packaging. A beer advertisement focused its attention much more on women in bikinis than on the product. And you, attracted by the sparkle of the waterfall, passed by the desire for the product.

By getting closer to this permanent Light, you become much less vulnerable to perception. There is no need for that much exchange. So, by relating affectively with a person and invigorating the essence, the intimacy, you remove it like a waterfall and come in contact with a new quality of energy. Thus, the relationship, in time of sorrow, is renewed and becomes blessed again.

Maybe you don't believe in miracles. But let's analyze the following: What was the probability of the creation of organized life on our planet billions of years ago, when not even the first cell had been created? There was a chance as low as 1% that it still happened. And a chance of its existence? I had millions of spermatozoa from my father and only one of them could be contemplated as a miracle of life. That's what gave you the origin: there was not 1% of chance and, yet, it happened. What is the probability of us returning to the process of self-destruction of the planet and creating a new conception of life, based on the desire to share? Maybe there isn't a 1% chance and yet, let's make it happen.

The first Biblical character to reach a broader vision of reality, a remover like the Cascade, was the patriarch Abraham. He had contact with a Permanent Light and, therefore, managed to penetrate our deepest mysteries of a higher and extraphysical plane. Few know, but attributed to Abraham is the authorship of Sefer Ietsira, a manuscript of 4 thousand years, preceding the Bible, which originated a large part of the corpus of mystical knowledge existing in the world.

The couple was already an idiot and, to put it mildly, she was sterile. Therefore, the idea of having a child does not make any sense. But God is gracious to even a child of advanced age. Abraham was a man who excelled beyond the apparent. That's why I believe it's not improvable. This is how we reached the dimension of miracle.

Oh time passed. With the children we have created and a certain material stability, these days we will return to everyone the same. Abraham succumbed to the evil of forgetting. You passed a common life and you went through the curtain. By moving away from the Permanent Light, he again became vulnerable to the arms of Satan.

“And these Gods to Abraham: 'Thomas, my son, your only one, whom you loved, Isaac, and went to the land of Moriah, and offered you as an offer of elevation, over two mountains. what I told you.

By that time, Isaac was already a grown man and his family led a very peaceful life. These days are repeated, always the same, one after the other. After all, what did God want us to do? Is that really the voice of God? Was it a test of the Light of the infinite world or an armada of the enemy within?

Even without answering, Abraham went with his son, for three days and three nights, to the mountain. There were days of silence and reflection. Having reached the top of the mountain, and only then, he could remove the stones that obstructed his vision. And so, together with his beloved son, he discovered that the sacrifice had already been made. What the patriarch insisted was that opening the hand was easy and predictable. Those were three days of much suffering. Time enough for Abraham to make deep reflections. It was then that he realized that he no longer had but a greater purpose and that he no longer embraced but the son he so desired.

This passage also shows that we should never let ourselves settle for a life that is apparently peaceful and without challenges. It, mainly, transmits the message that we must value, in an ever new way, those who live by our side and those whom we love so much.

At every moment we need to choose between a positive inclination and a negative inclination. These are the choices that will mold our destiny. Experiment today with saying “no” to something you know is bad. That name is only today. To strengthen the ability to choose, raise and vocalize the word: OMAM.

A third skill that we will deal with now is A SYNTONIA.

Then when you realize what really drives the events of your life, you will be ready to start a personal revolution. You will stop being chosen and move on to choosing your own destiny. Let go of its effect to become the cause.

In fact, everything that we need in this life has already been achieved. A big question is: what do we choose to receive? If you understand this condition, you will discover that he is not only the main character in the film of his life, but also a novelist.

Like radio equipment, we capture everything around us. We have many stations available and we choose at each moment which one we should tune to. Even though it seems simple, it is only possible to change the station when one is conscious.

Isaac was very sensitive to the loss of his mother when his father decided to send his servant Principal to find a wife for his son. And so he served Sai, accompanied by 10 camels, to fulfill his mission. Having reached his destination, the servant faced a big problem: how should he proceed to choose a wife for Isaac?

To receive an answer to his dilemma: Isaac's future wife should be a woman of great benevolence like Isaac. Then he came close to a source of water and went away with a young Rebecca, a beautiful and educated woman. She served water for him and also for all his camels.

He took the young man to Isaac's house and secondly in Genesis 24.63-67, Isaac fell in love with her and his lover, sleeping with Rebecca.

In Hebrew, the word sort, which is pronounced like Mazal, also means astrological constellation. So, in accordance with the correct translation, a good sort is not related to the case, but rather to a better attunement of the receptors of each individual. Or, Abraham was a man of great benevolence and he carefully chose his most beloved servant to find a wife for his son. Isaac, for his part, was praying, in a deeply meditative state, when he saw Rebecca for the first time. Which receptor is better to find a great love? Isaac didn't find his soulmate by chance. Also, no one thought his soul was a game by any chance. To live a great love you need to be receptive. It is impossible to experience great passion when it is full of egoism. In this state, it is only possible to find conflicts and confusion.

There are not many people who complain about my fate in love life. When alone, we feel unhappy, but when we are with someone, we feel even more sad. Is there even a lack of luck? Who is, finally, responsible for the quality of the people you attract?

Let's say you have problems with a person of my type, the type of company that projects all of their anxieties onto others. Do you have anything to say with this? Ask yourself the following questions: Why does he have problems with me and not others? Why do I resemble that person? What can I learn from my behavior?

There is no path without joy: a happy state of mind is the best way to tune in to your receptors to attract great luck.

Experiment with observing the world from this perspective and you will also realize that luck and chance do not exist. And only when you understand who really tunes into the events of your life will you be ready to start a personal revolution.

So, experiment by injecting a state of great optimism into your life and you will understand why the power of attraction is a physical phenomenon. Try to think and act with a lot of positivity, even in the face of greater difficulties. In this way, for a good synthonia observe as letters “mlr” with a vocalization: OLAM and meditate.

After all everything starts with a thought. That is the seed of everything else, since you are attracted by the images that you keep in your mind, and everything that passes through your mind is attracted to you.

A meditation, is our fourth skill, and is a state of full consciousness that allows us to interrupt the chaotic process to which our mind submits most of the time.

So this is how the mind works: like a traffic of thoughts that never stops. Ideas of all types, for the most part little constructive, disconnected, that do not lead anywhere. An incessant torrent of worries and anxieties

Want to do an experience? If possible, start right now. During a few minutes, note down on a sheet of paper all the thoughts that come to your mind. Then stick the paper and take it. You ask me which hospital is the author of these ideas. He wanted to stay away from them a lot.

A meditation is a tool that can get you out of this chaos. It can interrupt large traffic, making the incessant noise stop.

Or try something meditative beyond a short pause of 15 minutes a day. He created a new way of viewing life.

And then, in the face of silence, we can enter into deep meditation. Next moment let's face to face with the greatest of our enemies: the one who keeps moving inside them. That is why it is necessary to dive very deep within oneself. And this, when we think a lot, more, when we calm down our mind, we can perceive a very different perspective on our problems.

Let's start with the false image that the meditator is a person living in peace, isolated in a cave. In fact, the more a human being evolves, the more people will turn to him asking for help and the more challenges he will need to face for his growth.

Contemplative behavior is the most negative form of combative behavior that a man can express, defined by Cabala as reactivity. Examples of reactivity have always been abundant in the world and continue to be so today: Friendships broken in the heat of a discussion. Tragic situations of violence caused by totally unnecessary groups. Houses destroyed by insistent and exhausting daily fights. Reactivity is based on a very simple logic: if someone kisses you, you kiss back. If someone hits you, fight back. It seems that it works, that it relieves, but, in reality, this type of behavior only brings a person down.

If you respond to the impulse at the moment when you are angry, you may even feel a little better at that moment, a little relieved. But, later on, you will have to deal with the destructive consequences of your reactive action. And this will cause a very negative after effect

But a person's reactivity is not always measured by his external aspects. Often he feels angry and keeps it inside himself. In this way, the reactive impulse turns inwards.

There is, however, a completely different way of positioning yourself in front of two obstacles: you feel offended, instead of reacting to the impulse of anger, inject light into the situation and assume it as the solution to the problem.

Another option is to fire contemplatively. In this case, to receive an account, to meditate, or to bring a little light to that question. Retire from a reduced perspective of the physical world. No interval between the stimulus and the reaction, you insert a breath, a meditation, a prayer, finally, a tool in the invisible world, which will make a reconnection with the Light.

From this discovery, he developed a transformative meditation called 72 Names of God. To practice this meditation, you use a frame that presents 72 sequences of sacred letters. But it is not necessary to know Hebrew for a meditation to result, even because these combinations of three letters do not form any specific word. And you also don't need "ler" as in the letters: just visualize them carefully.

Sit, first of all, in a comfortable position, in an environment as quiet as possible. For each of the 72 sequences, make one complete breath (inspiration and expiration). Will take a total of 72 deep breaths.

Contemplation of this frame of sacred letters helps to create a more constructive harmony for one's life. Meditate for a few minutes on these letters, reflecting on the quality of your thoughts and, later, emptying your mind.

Meditation for healing is visualized by the letters “y d n” and by vocalization: MERRASH.

For this, use a cup of water as a healing instrument. The most ancient Cabalista masters taught that water carries powerful secrets of health and longevity for man. Since recently scientists have photographed water molecules, submitting them to different qualities of energy,

The result of this research was very interesting: photos of water molecules presented with words and positive thoughts turned out to be beautiful, while photos of water molecules presented with words and negative thoughts turned out to be helpful.

To define how to do meditation, let's go further. Let's explain more about what purpose is, because it is common to confuse purpose with success, but they are very different things. There are very successful people who, yet, are always dissatisfied, simply because they do not have a purpose for existing.

We want to feel important to others, knowing that our presence is noticed and valued. This type of thinking, or that we are insignificant, makes life a very dangerous village. Its objective, in fact, is to call our attention to the crisis of lack of purpose. A dangerous crisis, responsible for the majority of cases of depression, which can take the life of any of us, regardless of age or social level.

A lack of perspective is dangerous because it opens space for nothingness to become present and establish itself in our lives.

There are many men who give up life for very little. Tornado-se dependents of television, of information, of pharmacy and so on, end up being isolated. Unlike the Biblical Joseph, these people are faced with two first obstacles. I gave up on my dreams as a result of a negative opinion or of a passing defeat. Give us the urgency of a purpose that can overcome the great nothing and bring real meaning to our existence.

How else can we practice our purpose?

Take a piece of paper and note down six goals you would like to consolidate in a year. So these goals are related to the desire to share. Keep this paper in a safe place, because you will need it at some point when you can take what you wrote and evaluate your progress.

Whenever you feel returning to your purpose, return to meditation contemplating the letters D.A.N, with a vocalization: MABÁ

A sixth skill is refinement.

According to Ian, for thousands of years cabalistas have secretly carried a knowledge about the power of the law of attraction. According to this law, everything that comes to you, absolutely everything, is attracted by yourself. She explains that, when you strive to seek self-improvement, you automatically create a new reality that is much more positive.

According to the author, our soul is ornamented, purified through three elements: the thought, the word and the action.

Thus, refinement is what helps to get rid of excess – thoughts, anxieties, desires and many other accumulations that, without any function, end up boring the soul. So, much more than accumulating, we need to start: Thinking less, falling less, occupying less.

To experiment or refine, you will inevitably have to learn and lose something. A diamond, for example, has to be lapped, losing much of its weight and its volume. On the other hand, it turns into a stone much more beautiful and much more valuable.

These “garments of holiness” according to the Biblical text represent the clothing that envelops our soul: thoughts, words and actions. It is by refining these three paths that you will be able to escape from living in a chaotic world, dominated by fear and frustration, to enter a luminous life, full of realizations.

A quantum physics today also provides evidence and proves the value of the law of attraction. It states that the notion of an absolute universe does not exist, since the universe is shaped according to the reference of the observer.

Because of the law of attraction, every human being possesses an intense electromagnetic field that attracts people, events and even a style of life.

The beginning of everything is thought. That is the seed of everything else, since you are attracted by the images that you keep in your mind, and everything that passes through your mind is attracted to you. That is, the mind is always molding what is being perceived by it.

This way of action is the most important of them, it is the one that produces the greatest effect in the physical world, it is the element with which we are always concerned, because our attitudes reflect positively or negatively on us and the people around us.

Finally, there is a word, without any doubt, that most needs to be refined. That's the one we should focus on. This is because words have greater power than thoughts and are also easier to control.

To understand how a word has the power to create reality, examine it closely as a person in turn. You will discover that the one who speaks negative words is always looking for suffering and chaos. Those who seek positive words, and praise their peers, live in a world of harmony and contentment.

He who suffers a lot of disease does not have health. He who suffers a lot of poverty does not have prosperity. The one who claims love is always alone.

It is curious, because we talk about a single point of personal improvement, a word, which, once assimilated, can completely modify your life. In the Hebrew language, the original text of the Bible, there is a word called Lashon Hara.

A large part of humanity is dominated by the Lost Legion, but, unfortunately, there are few people who can control it.

Common examples of this lesson are when you meet a friend and start criticizing: “This country is terrible. “Those politicians don’t have ethics.” “My chef is authoritarian and ill-intentioned.” “How people navigate this bad city!” “My husband never helps me with the children!” “My little woman, so domineering, has become unbearable.” All this may even be true, however, if it does not have a constructive character, it is better not to be pronounced. After suffering, it spread throughout the world and never returned. This is a physical phenomenon.

A second variety of lashing out is when, when you look for your friend to speak ill of others, you look for him to lament. What is not missing are the lamenting professionals.

The “doer” who is always suffering from some disease or undergoing some examination. A “mourning mother” who daily watches her crying children over the phone.

Observe carefully and you will see that the mourner lives every day more and more full of reasons to mourn.

But the relationship with malediction is not limited to the words you pronounce. There is yet another type of Hara's curse, and it is related to the curse that you have heard, that is, the simple fact that you stop to hear negative words, you are also affected by their destructive effects, receiving the negativity of that curse. and, thus, begins to attract her for her life.

A word is very significant, observe that God said: Be Light! This is light.” GENESIS 1.3. We note that the first act of creation occurred through a pronouncement, since everything that exists in life is also created by a verbal declaration.

So think often before making affirmations like: “I don't have the capacity for this task.” “Everything is very bad with me.” “It is impossible to find a great love today.”

Experiment by injecting positivity into your words and a miracle may happen. Try creating new phrases, such as: “I am practicing a lot to accomplish this task.” “You are sure that all this has passed.” “I am opening my heart to attract a great passion.”

If we stop talking about material loss, it will gradually lose its importance. So we have clarity about how much each day of life is a precious blessing that cannot be wasted.

There is a fable that exemplifies exactly this. Nela, the two angels who had the mission of making a prayer a day for their guarded person, as it was almost the end of the afternoon and did not find anything to thank, decided to give 15 minutes of full contemplation to the two friends who had talked on the road. , everything that he desired, from his soul, would be immediately granted. So, the first man, seeing the birds roaming around his wheat plantation, desired that the whole land should be dried up so that the cursed birds would be covered with foam, and so it was done. When I reached the comfortable house, I pulled up the wooden door and locked the door, at the moment I wished that this bad house would come down and settle down and that's how it was done. O second man, looking over the passers-by, said to himself: Whom my garden could have grown, blossomed and with much abundance, and thus, beautiful vegetables emerged, alive and beautiful; The happy man arrived at the house and the master at the door, these people, gave there a beautiful house for my family, and thus a mansion arose. Minutes later, his friend came running to tell him about the misfortunes that had happened in his life. Then we took them to the chef and it happened, and it was decided to establish this idea of 15 minutes of miracles, but with a condition that the men would never know when they would happen.

Observe carefully the way people talk back to you and you will be surprised: the fact that they live is totally related to the way they speak. Have you ever thought that when you are complaining, it is just your 15 minutes of grace? It is better not to run the risk and adopt for life a posture of always acting positively.

So far, let us study six powerful skills that, once experienced, have the power to overcome any type of energy failure. Sao elas: o DESEJO, a ESCOLHA, a SINTONIA, a MEDITATION, o PROPOSITO and o REFINAMENTO. Logos, if you know and practice these skills, you will become, invariably, a new human being, with very little in common with the original one, who lived surrounded by the curses and the vulnerability of the outside world.

But, at this moment, it is necessary to take special care, because emptiness can become a great danger. And in order not to be like the armada of our future counterparts who do not have access to these knowledge, we need to develop an essential virtue. Do you know what it is? Pause the video now and enter our comments, then click on your comment.

That's it! A humility.

“Observe this passage in which Moses said to God: ‘Who are you, that I have come to Pharaoh and will bring forth the children of Israel into Egypt?’ And God said: ‘Because you have come with me.’” ÊODO 3.11-12.

According to Ian, there is a short phrase that shows who was the character in question. Given a divine revelation, chosen for a great mission, he asks: “Why are you for a destiny as grand as this?” This is the essence of humility: when a person does not give, for whatever reasons, excessive importance to himself. Thus, there are two basic aspects in the development of this virtue.

No man endowed with rational intelligence is more impressed with his virtues than they are. His own human condition will always be revealing to him innumerable faults.

The humility of action came in a second stage. It consists, basically, in enduring the malediction of others, even insults, and escaping, whenever possible, two compliments.

The recognition of the two different qualities of “you” is a fundamental question in the path of awakened man. It is that essential thing that contains all the potentiality of creation; o the other is o me, very different from the first.

The first allows you to simply be, accepting yourself the way you really are and appreciating the opportunity of life. The second one is always identified with something that you think you are or that represents to the world.

While it was essentially fed by Permanent Light, derived directly from the Source, it survived by Perceptible Light and, therefore, was vulnerable to the brightness of the shell.

I use it a lot to judge. In this way, he passes through everything and everyone as if it were a big judge, making the question of always issuing his opinions about what is right and what is wrong.

Who with age becomes arrogant in this way and ends up becoming isolated. One exercise that helps a lot is to imagine what the world would be like without your judgments. Maybe someone will feel guilty about his verdict regarding what is true and what is wrong.

The truth is that excessive judgment alienates others and, mainly, yourself. And the best way to change this behavior is to seek relief. You can do this by practicing silence. Experiment with breathing more deeply and slowly, whenever possible, as incendiary external and internal sounds increase your energy.

This is the tone of most of the great scholars. With a mind overloaded with information, and too far from being meditative, they end up feeling superior by acquiring a wisdom that, in truth, is of no use to them.

In line with humility in our spirit, let's talk about the seventh and last element for a full and happy life. - O AMOR.

When you reach this dimension you discover that what gives meaning to our life is love. Be it between partners, between brothers, between father and son or between friends, only when we are loved can we experience the true meaning of life.

That is why it is important to align this ability to feel in harmony with our peers with the other skills studied so far, so that you believe that you will be happy when solving a certain problem, only by achieving an excellent financial standard or when you find your love. Life, by thinking without any desire, well tuned, refined, with a certain choice, you will live in a consciousness of slavery, as questions will never be resolved.

In this level of reality you always fall into the same arms, because you repeat a single pattern of behavior, circular and robotic.

A person with this degree of consciousness places the blame for all his dissatisfactions in the external environment. These are the difficulties of material order, which are the result of the country's problems. They are doing this, the fault lies with the viruses that are spreading across the planet.

Generally, someone who lives at this level of reality has not yet absorbed the wisdom of the skills taught in the video. Let's read: O design, a school, a synthesis, a meditation, a proposal, refinement and love.

When we live in a world built on excess of information, on curses, on apparent lack of luck and on constant comparison with others, chaos is constantly reinforced.

Finally, think about the biblical metaphor about the liberation of the Hebrews, as it is described in the biblical text ruled by Pharaoh, a powerful ego that encourages each of us to be better than others and to desire everything only for itself. Without a doubt, this is a situation of total enslavement, a way of living and being oppressed by one's own lack of vision.

The second level of reality is called DESERT. As its proper name indicates, it is a space occupied by void. Unlike Egypt, where there are many pyramids and statues, the Desert is no place for excess. No one survives in the desert carrying many things.

Think carefully: not only did you not have hopes of being free, but you also ran fewer risks. You spread evil about everything all the time, but you also had no idea what this behavior would mean to your life.

No desert is different: there, even while practicing malediction, you are already aware that it is just the fruit of what exists within you. It is very difficult to look inside oneself. However, in this path unknown and without guarantees lies the hope of finding complete freedom.

So Moses needed to lead his people for 40 years. The geographical study of the region shows that a few months are indeed enough to complete this trajectory. But the Bible does not want to describe a physical displacement, that is, in fact, a change of consciousness, of mentality.

Realize that as much Ego as Ego is also within each one of us. And, as we follow the path of awakening, we become aware of the immense responsibility that lies before our choices. It is a difficult moment when we exchange our hands for desert. As a rule we prefer not to continue, for fear of facing our responsibilities.

The story does not end in the desert. There is still a very special dimension, called TERRA PROMETIDA. At this level of awareness you are able to look beyond the curtains and realize that things are going very well as they are, so it is necessary to dance, love, meditate, travel and celebrate. Finally, thank you for the opportunity of life.

In this third level of reality, these problems still exist, but our perception is now different. By understanding that these obstacles represent an opportunity for growth, you become confident.

Experiment with creating a child and giving him everything. The better college and the better presents. When he turned 18, he presented himself with an imported car and a great apartment. E, finally, employed as director of his company. Do this and you will be ruining his ability to create his own story.

But the essence of the Biblical text tells us of the characters that inhabit us. Homes are fallible because of their successes and mistakes, but they are sobering on the path to their skills. With this, we reconnect with the Light of the infinite world.

Remember that all the great episodes of the Bible are related to the feeling of love: No one loved the animals and plundered for the preservation of each species. Abraham worshiped to the extreme to perpetuate his seed with the wife he loved so much. Abraham himself discovered that the sacrifice of his son Isaac was unnecessary when he recovered the genuine feeling of love he had for his son.

He taught that happiness, unlike material ambitions, cannot be acquired, only experienced as the result of a way of life.

The best way to experience love is by expressing the desire to share. You can exercise it through simple but meaningful actions. For example, creating a habit of always bringing something beautiful to people you like. We can send flowers, cards, a present, a silent prayer or even a hug. What is more important is to never forget that love and being loved are two sides of the same coin. Thus, the more you desire good for another, the more the other desires good for you. It is likely that this teaching resides in the greatest secret of the “art of being happy”.



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